A War on Men | Teen Ink

A War on Men

December 12, 2018
By BrookeBridgford BRONZE, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
BrookeBridgford BRONZE, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You really shouldn’t spend so much time outside

No boy wants a girl with bruises covering her thighs.

My poor girl you do not always have to be right

It’s unfair to that poor boy you seem to always fight.

Baby scratch the jeans you would look stunning in a dress

You would have all the boys in school a complete mess.

It is a Friday night put the book down and live a little

No man wants a woman who can’t let loose a little.

Don’t say those words they are unlady-like and atrocious.

You know if you lost a few pounds you would be totally gorgeous

This is what feminism is fighting for.

It is not a war on men

But rather a war on hate

A war on stereotypes

And a war on gender generalizations.

Too Ugly

Too Fat

Too Loud

Too Smart

So what this sounds like to me is

No man wants a woman with ambition

Maybe me always being right makes me feel good

And if he is wrong why should I keep my mouth shut

In school I don’t want the boys to be a mess

I want to learn something and be the best

Men only want a girl who will let loose with THEM

Because God forbid they find out I’m not a virgin

And my words may sound unlady-like but when men catcall me on the street

With a “Damn little mama that ass is astronomical”

Why can’t retaliate with the same crudness?

And these few extra pounds are what make me gorgeous.

So yes I believe in feminism but,

This is not a war on men.

The author's comments:

I was asked to write a slam poem in my creative writing class. I sat down and the words seemed to fly out of me and this was the result.

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