The rope that stopped the noose | Teen Ink

The rope that stopped the noose

December 12, 2018
By ooftothemoon BRONZE, Dog, Other
ooftothemoon BRONZE, Dog, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

At the finale of the last day

You receive a souvenir per say

For us a little band of kangaroo hide

With knots at the top being roughly peer tied

The bands, a stark contrast from the ones I almost put on my wrists


Those ones would’ve been permanent


Now the only thoughts about razor blades, were for shaving


I let myself wear hoodies again

Because now,

I didn’t have an incentive to do something I knew I could hide

Things have changed

Even in the darkest of times,

The light can shine through my concrete walls
A light golden and pure

My heart, once empty from lack of love

Was empty again, but not the same

Not from lack of love

But from none left to give

Empty, but happily empty

The smile, though still crooked, wasn’t fake no more

The half smiles, turned to full smiles

And the frowns,

Like my concrete walls, slowly faded

The tears were no longer

They were replaced by twinkles

The depressing poems in my notebook

Were replaced by equally terrible inspirational ones

The self deprecation
Replaced by self appreciation

The only thing I doubted,

Was if I had any self doubt left
Many of the old memories gone

Shrouded by new ones

Better ones

Wholesome ones

All encapsulated in the band of hide

From one of the best weeks of my life

But memories, memories still exist

No matter how hard you can try to forget

You can only try

But carrying the good ones with you at all times

Certainly does help the cause

To have a permanent reminder of good times

And beneath it

A permanent reminder, of how the bad times

Never broke you down

And how the darkness,

Only spreads as far as you let it

The author's comments:

In most types of writing I prefer not to talk about my stuttering as it feels cliched to me, it's a topic I’ve done a thousand times and doesn’t have much to give at this point. However, something I’ve toyed with is not mentioning stuttering itself, but the feelings that come along with it. This is a theme I delved into on poems such as ‘The Rope that Stopped the Noose’, stuttering is never mentioned however many of the dark feelings in that poem stem from stuttering in one way or another.

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This article has 1 comment.

iamnotapoet said...
on Dec. 15 2018 at 8:01 pm
iamnotapoet, Hanahan, South Carolina
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"The only person stopping you from having your happy ending is you."

I really really enjoy this :)