You open your eyes and | Teen Ink

You open your eyes and

January 14, 2019
By CandyTz BRONZE, Miami, Florida
CandyTz BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“You’re in a box, it’s so big that you think you won’t get out. All you need is a ladder of courage. It’s so easy and simple as they all say but you find it extremely hard. You spend a long time in that box, frustrated and confused, but eventually, you start building it. One day you manage to reach the top and you pop your head through. You realize you are in the middle of a ceremony. You recognize the music, that traditional and cheesy music that never changes; it’s a wedding. As you get out, you look to see that your lover is getting married today. You took so long in that box that when you built up your courage, it was too late. You abandon the box and walk over in sadness to another box. You fall in as the hopeless lover you are. I am thou, thou art I; I am that hopeless lover.”

The author's comments:

A piece on how I see love and crushes.

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