lost without my mom | Teen Ink

lost without my mom

January 18, 2019
By nimmi2001 BRONZE, Kurunegala, Other
nimmi2001 BRONZE, Kurunegala, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am only me for me and forever

The moment I saw her,

Only a glittering eyes full of kindness,

And a smile that could change the whole world,

Gave me the breath and whispered saying,

“my girl” and yet it echoes…

Her laughter and the cries of joy…

Making small gestures of love,

Made life a living heaven…

She knew the problems I deal with,

She understood my wonders,

She listened to my dreams…

She listened to how I felt about life and love…

She understood what I was going through

And promised she’d stay along…

She was the light to my world

And the lamp in the dark…

I reached to her to pull her close

And let her know how much I need her...

She has a unique mind and soul,

I see the universe through her…

I set my eyes on her everyday…

She holds my hand for me to be saved and now she is gone…

I am lost in the rain, my eyes sunk in tears,

My heart filled with grief,

I felt as the world as stopped completely…

God has taken away my ‘MOM’ …

Lying in the darkness all alone…

Eyes with tears, heart with pain and everything is gone…

Every single tear drop remind me of her…

So I scream her name but she’ll never hear,

My heart is empty but she’ll never know…

It is so hard, my broken heart she’ll never feel…

But we shall never be apart through smiles and memories,

lost without my mom,

her soul or may be…

but the memories ?

The author's comments:

This poem is written about my friend who spend sleepless nights thinking about her mom.I have taken this poem as it has happened to me...

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