Issues | Teen Ink


January 21, 2019
By Olivia Tjapkes BRONZE, Twinlake, Michigan
Olivia Tjapkes BRONZE, Twinlake, Michigan
2 articles 3 photos 0 comments

I wanna hear a poem about change.

About why wanting that is so unrightfully strange.

I wanna hear a poem about plastic straws,

about why a clean earth is a picture to hard to draw.

I wanna hear a poem about sex trafficking

about why today's slavery isn't that damaging.

I wanna hear a poem about domestic violence

about why there's no issue until I have to call an ambulance.

I wanna hear a poem about overpopulation,

about poverty filling our struggling nations.

I wanna hear a poem about climate change,

about the world's priorities being rearranged.

I wanna hear a poem about the more important issues,

About why they exist but no one admits to.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem because I feel like some of the biggest issues in our society are swept under the bus and I wanted to shed some light in them.

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