The Tree, the Sun, and You | Teen Ink

The Tree, the Sun, and You

January 31, 2019
By netanoodle123 BRONZE, San Diego, California
netanoodle123 BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I looked up and saw a tree so great and tall that I thought

It would never stop widening its girth and growing

Until it had swallowed us all and wrought

Vengeance on Earth to those it had been owing

Its limbs rose to the heavens and hummed hymns

That I never before had heard,

And its leaves bloomed bright and enlightened

Me, and so the tree revealed the Word.

And when I looked up I glanced back down

And the Tree had changed positions,

Not next to the stump, nay! On its earthen green crown

Did I lounge, and satisfied was my ambition.

So I looked higher still until my eyes were pained

And closed shut, this truth I could not bear

I had never before beheld a Sun so radiant, and yet so plain

But that did not stop this beast, like yeast, he grew, and there!

His rays he poured as my pupils toured and I beheld his majesty.

And although his power fed yet my chair, I soon forgot

My seat, and as the sun beat down upon my hair I remembered not

The Tree, and so the Sun revealed the Thought.

But he too left the sky and traveled to some far off land,

And try as I might, I could not follow him, alas!

So I sat, distraught and cried for naught with my head between my hands,

The hours grew and before I knew, the Day had died and passed.

I climbed down and searched the ground for a place to save my soul,

Although it was night and I was filled with fright, I roamed

This exile, and for a while, I thought I heard a voice, and strolled

Toward it, and I saw You and knew that I was home.

We sat together and exchanged like talk of weather the range of our emotion,

My revelations for your peaceful life, like business partners, did we trade,

And I remembered the Tree and the Sun and shuddered at the notion

That I had left them behind, but I brushed them aside and for You, I stayed.

The author's comments:

I'm Nathaniel from San Diego, CA. I'm 15 and a sophomore in high school. This poem is a perfect representation of my favorite aspect of poetry; I love the way a poem will just hit me straight in the face and then the feeling I get when I hurry to write it all down. I hope you enjoy.

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