loneliness | Teen Ink


February 2, 2019
By nimmi2001 BRONZE, Kurunegala, Other
nimmi2001 BRONZE, Kurunegala, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am only me for me and forever

I look around for someone,

but I know he isnt here for me right now,

no way to go through the woods

because the loneliness rules...

and my cries goes to the clear sky 

and the hidden stars comes out for my voice,

It is just a dream that I see...

I know,

You arent here for me and that roles

I know my sufferings and you dont,

try my way and you'll see my love...

Loneliness kills me day by day...

Give some love and I'll be fine

wish you could be my guide...

you ,might be perfect,

I know I am not...

Hoping to see you now and then,

I made you cry and now I fall,

It wasn't my wish I hope you know...  

The author's comments:

This is all about my love who is just like in shades...but touches my heart with whispers of love and who disapppears at once...

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