When will the morning angel come? | Teen Ink

When will the morning angel come?

February 2, 2019
By nimmi2001 BRONZE, Kurunegala, Other
nimmi2001 BRONZE, Kurunegala, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am only me for me and forever

A sweet song,enhancing,ravishing and blushing her face...

with the bright torch,

shuts her sweet little eyes makes her yawn

untill the day light,

I remember,

her face shining like the new born...

but I still ask my self ,

when will the morning angel come?


I still remember the light shining on her,

I like her smile,her face and fabulous expressions...

But she never kept dreams on her,

she knew that her life will fade with no expectations...

So I still ask my self when will the morning angel come?


I can hear her cries,it echoes

even through the darkness,

although she is no more...

her heart is still warm,

I cant see her,

but I feel like she is next to me,

again and again,

I still ask my self when will the morning angel come?


Her smile,her touch and her love...

all flew away,but i still feel that she is with me,

so now I drew her deep in my heart,

she is blured...

I feel her now, standing right next to me,

but when the wind blows harder,

she goes away with it...

And now I still call my self and ask,

When will the morning angel come?

The author's comments:

A fairy girl who came to this world talking a shape of a little girl and had to leave her life with no expectation...

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