country side | Teen Ink

country side

February 13, 2019
By Anonymous

I am from a two lane road where there's cautious passing driving cars in the shadows of Holy Hill, I am from old cars laying off the road with red and yellow leaves from the oak trees that blew around for hours on end.

I am from roads with stories to tell for a lifetime, I am from roads where people look the other way when something went down, I am from roads with coyotes howling and chainsaws running far in the distance, I am from roads with old barns with the wood falling off.

I am from the boondocks where you wouldn't want your car to break down, I am from friends where snitches get stitches, I am from the sticks where you don't see cops for miles, I am from the boondocks where I never talk back.

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batblue42 said...
on Feb. 19 2019 at 12:33 pm
batblue42, Trophy Club, Texas
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