MoonLight | Teen Ink


April 27, 2009
By Zerra GOLD, Pinnacle, North Carolina
Zerra GOLD, Pinnacle, North Carolina
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Moonlight pooling around a pale haired beauty
Walking through the midnight light
Searching for her dark haired prince

The full moon streams on a figure of pain
Clouded by grief she makes her way
To her lovers side, a fading smile her only emotion

His lips were red, his eyes were hazy
Paying the price for loving this lady

Moonlight pooling around the young lovers
Tears slip through big blue eyes
She watches as her lover says goodbye
As she cradled him close all through the night

The sun rose high as she walked to the edge
The sea splashing on the shore
Sunlight shinning upon the pair
Two souls lost in loving despair

A smile on her face, she whispers a prayer
As she steps from the cliff and into the air

The author's comments:
This is an earlier piece, something done freshman year, if my memory is correct. See if you can guess what imspired it.

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