the life of a young girl | Teen Ink

the life of a young girl

April 10, 2019
By avacodas_are_yummy BRONZE, Grafton, Massachusetts
avacodas_are_yummy BRONZE, Grafton, Massachusetts
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Favorite Quote:
turn a setback into a comeback<br /> messy bun get stuff done<br /> happiness is a way of travel not a destination<br /> have courage and be kind<br /> the best is yet to come<br /> create the things you wished existed

I was 3 years old when I got my first pet. Little did I know that in a few months he would be gone. That he would dig under my grandparents fence to leave forever.

I learned that santa claus isn't real and that all of these years I have been living a  lie.

I’ve held my baby sister right after she was born. She was tiny and warm. Her cute little eyes staring into mine making me rethink my existence. I was 4.

I’ve heard my parents fight over and over again. I kept replaying it in my brain until my dad left. That's when things started to turn for me.

I’ve had the opportunity to sing in church but I didn't because of all the eyes staring  at me and making me crumble in a ball and forget the purpose of my being.

I saw the look on the homeless person’s face when we brought them bread and food from  panera. That I will never forget.

I’m still learning how to love people the right way. But oh boy, that's hard.

I once screamed when I heard the sound of my nose breaking on a kneecap. If anything my nose is straighter than it used to be.

I’ve driven my mom’s car purposely to hit these boys that bullied my 9 year old sister. My mom stopped me from doing anything though.

I bought eyelashes, candy, clothes, and hair dye with my mother’s card. I was supposed to spend 10 dollars but I spent $65 instead

I’ve lost Cocoa. The most sweet boxer I have ever met. She had the biggest eyes and used to protect me and made me feel better when I was sad.

I’ve been scared by a spider crawling on my arm. I got bit by it but I’m pretty sure my cat ate it.

I long to see Paris. The Eiffel Tower. Going there with my grandparents and eating croissants.

From the dares I’m willing to do I did a backhandspring. I’m surprised I haven't died yet.

I’ve stored my Polaroid pictures in a book. Now they're hanging on the walls holding on to my memories and never letting them go

I felt snow falling on my face. Perfectly placing on my eyelashes and melting in my hair. Sticking out my tongue to catch the snowflakes, dancing in the snow flurries.

I am learning to care for people step by step. It takes practice but hopefully I'll get the hang of it by tomorrow.

The author's comments:

this is a very true and real poem. It about my life, so it's an auto biography

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