Chicken Nuggets | Teen Ink

Chicken Nuggets

May 2, 2019
By AidanBolton BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
AidanBolton BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Chicken Nuggets are the best food ever,

Upsetting my delicate taste buds never,

I’m never not in the mood,

For chicken nuggets, my favorite food,

I buckle up in the car,

To find my nuggets near and far,

We drive into the parking lot,

Of the place my nuggets will be bought,

I get out the car and open the door nice and wide,

To the place where my nuggets will be bought inside,

I wait in line for my turn,

Waiting for the nuggets that I yearn,

I tell the worker “forget the burgers, forget the fries”,

“Chicken nuggets are all I want to buy”,

I pull my wallet out to pay,

Then I get my food and drive away,

I soon get home and run inside,

My excitement I truly can not hide,

I walk into the kitchen and grab my favorite plate,

Then take out my nuggets, that are ready to be ate,

I eat my nuggets with great haste,

Trying to savor there amazing taste,

I finish my nuggets and clean up my mess,

How much I love nuggets, I can not stress,

When it comes to food there is no contest,

Chicken nuggets truly are the best.

The author's comments:

I really like chicken nuggets so I made this to share with my class and people really liked it.

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