Chicken Nugget Meals | Teen Ink

Chicken Nugget Meals

May 2, 2019
By AidanBolton BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
AidanBolton BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Chicken Nuggets are the best,

But we can’t forgot about the rest,

Fries are a tasty side to eat,

With your amazing nugget treat,

When you dip your fries in the sauce,

There incredible taste can not be lost,

Along with the best mac’n’cheese,

You’ll be able to eat your food with ease,

The amazing taste of the food,

Will never upset a really good mood,

But you can not forgot about your drink,

If you do your eating experience will really stink,

Almost any soda or pop will do,

To make your eating experience really true,

With all that done your ready to eat,

Your amazing nuggets that you call your treat,

No chicken nugget meal is truly complete,

Without the food that makes it so sweet.

The author's comments:

This poem is a sequel to the origanl poem I made on chicken nuggets.

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