Sun will Shine | Teen Ink

Sun will Shine

May 14, 2019
By AsvkDasher BRONZE, Pune, Other
AsvkDasher BRONZE, Pune, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Look at the sun,
it's rising;
And you,
digging hole for mining

Throw away the old thoughts,
and tools in your hand;
Don't let the stain of mud,
glow on your pant

Pick up the pen
and write what you think;
Don't let others
make you rethink

The night will fall
and the sun will shine;
Just wait a little more,
there is no need to whine

Don't let yourself grow,
like the fungus on a bread;
Become the full cloth,
woven by a single thread

See yourself in the mirror,
and you will see the fear;
Along with the happiness,
and an evil terror

Choose the right,
and throw away remaining;
You will be amazed,
of what is happening

Just don't let the sun inside you die,
it will be more difficult as a thing;
The sun on the outside will always rise,
you don't need to fear, it is a natural thing

Let the dogs bark
cause it is their night;
In a few hours, the day will be yours,
be ready for what comes next to sunlight

There will be many things waiting for you,
wake up from dreams and open the door;
You will be more amazed,
of what's on the floor

It will be an invitation,
given to you by day;
Accept it happily,
and you will see the way

Look at the sun,
it's rising;
And you will be waiting to see,
for what I was writing....

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem because I wasn't able to sleep at that night. So I wanted to write thoughts and ideas coming in my mind.

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