Where i am from | Teen Ink

Where i am from

May 20, 2019
By Anonymous

I am from four wheelers,

from mud and the woods as you ride.

I am from the woods lining the property, it smells like pine wood.

I am from the roses and the irises.

I am from the famous Christmas dinner my great grandma made and the kindness that my family showed to strangers,

from Amber and Roger and Ferrer - Diaz.

I am from listening to my mother and fightings with my brothers.

From the ¨if it's not yours then don't touch it¨ and ¨Suck it up buttercup¨

I am from kicking the soccer ball around with my teammates and having fun scoring goals win or lose

I am from Randolph County, Mexico, North Carolina

Tacos and corn.

From the time my grandma got thrown off the boat by my grandpa and got mad, but started laughing when she was in the water, and the time my parents flipped a seadoo.

I am from the You got this girl.

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