Helpless | Teen Ink


May 22, 2019
By ayelen_haylee BRONZE, Lindon, Utah
ayelen_haylee BRONZE, Lindon, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’m helpless.

So don’t try to tell me that

I can change the course of my life if i just try

Because from my experience

You can try your hardest

And it won’t change a thing

People will tell you how difficult life can be

It’s your job to fend for yourself

But they never offer any real help

People can give you advice

But what good is that anyway?

You can believe that you can’t do anything

And it will be true

You can tell yourself that you’re capable of anything,

But why feed yourself lies?

You can wake up each morning, and expect nothing to go your way

And I promise you’ll never be disappointed.

Go about with a positive outlook on life

Know that you have to work to make things better

And you’ll find that’s not how life works.

You can sit and wait for good things to come

But they never will

People try to convince me that there’s no good in life,

They succeeded


I felt joy

I went about chasing my goals with hope and

One day, everything changed.

I was losing hope when

My life started spiraling out of control.

A long time ago

And it still is.

This is my motto

My decisions

Have no influence over

The bad things in life that come

So why bother trying?

Life is hopeless

You’ll never convince me that

Change is something you can control.


Now read it from bottom to top.

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