Porcelain Masks | Teen Ink

Porcelain Masks

July 1, 2019
By Grey_Rain BRONZE, Elk Grove, California
Grey_Rain BRONZE, Elk Grove, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Fake truths
Real Lies 
We live through porcelain masks
To hide our cracks and imperfections 
Through white Lies we create the perfect life
The perfect lie
But when the fake smiles crack
When the act is over
And the curtains drop
You are left with the truth
The truth that you avoided 
The truth that haunts your waking nights
The truth, a razor that cuts through your lies and skin
Prying the porcelain mask
It rips
It pulls
And it burns
Yet, we still put on those masks 
To cover our real truths
For those masks provide comfort 
Yet, comfort comes at a price
Day after day
Use after use
The razor becomes dull
For the truth becomes fake
And the lies become real
Losing your self 
To the Abyss of lies 
So heed my warning
And put down your masks of lies
For perfection is a lie
And brings nothing but sorrow

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