Red letter | Teen Ink

Red letter

December 15, 2019
By Kevin21 BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Kevin21 BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How do I begin to write this?

Especially since you were a good fit,

For me and my life.

Blurred my memory,

And a loss of energy.

All I could remember,

Are those laughters;

That declared you the best member.

How did I not see,

What you’ve done to me.

I guess I was too nice,

To start a fight.

Giving you unlimited chances,

To identify different circumstances.

Believing you’d change,

Although it was out of range.

Thinking you were different,

And not ignorant.

Now I wonder,

What you were under.

To have a unique technique,

Having me all weak.

Which makes you comfortable,

To watch me feel vulnerable.

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