The Midnight Rainbow | Teen Ink

The Midnight Rainbow

January 11, 2021
By Anonymous

My vision is obscured and I can’t see clear

By something I can feel,  something apart from fear

It is splashing on my face, stinging my eyes

And washing down all the layers of lies

And I am standing there at the dead of night

Waiting for my true self to take flight


Through the darkness and pouring rain I see

A starless night etched with clouds eerie

And the sound of wind upon my ears

Makes me hear voices I don’t want to hear

Then abruptly, something stops the rain

And the moons and stars bean twinkling again


The dissipated moon drops fell upon my eyes

And showed me the whole spectrum of lights

It lit up the Horizon with its brilliant florescence

Like a Rain Lily unfurling its essence

And as I stood there under the midnight rainbow with an unspoken glee

I realized, what I was searching for is right within me.

The author's comments:

This is a 'on the spark'poem. so i thought why not publish it. hope you like it

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