Winter | Teen Ink


March 10, 2021
By EthanF5 BRONZE, Dover, Massachusetts
EthanF5 BRONZE, Dover, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't worry about those who talk behind your back. They are behind you for a reason.

Winter is a joyful time

I go outside and with my snow fort as my shield, I start hurling snowballs at my friends

Then, as I lay in the snow, snowflakes rain down on me, melting in my mouth

Winter is calm, collected, and peaceful

It is a time to have fun 

A time to feel the excitement of the fireplace as it is lit up, blinding you

The fire reaches for you, hugs you, warms you

Your dog, silently snuggling you, sleeping 

Winter is exciting

The snow sprays behind you as you fly down the mountain on skis 


The ice ripping under your feet while you take the puck down the ice to score

The excitement of opening up presents on your favorite holiday

The movies you watch with your family 

Winter is adventurous 

The excuse to drink hot chocolate after you come in from sledding down the biggest hill nearby

Plop! The cold taste in your mouth after you fall off the sled

The quiet after you come inside

Winter is an excuse to be a child again

The anticipation of the snow day tomorrow

When the principal calls

You run out

And enjoy the frozen wasteland

In front of you

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