Scared to Ask | Teen Ink

Scared to Ask

March 10, 2021
By codydmorgan BRONZE, Hemet, California
codydmorgan BRONZE, Hemet, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Scared to Ask

Your with this girl

Walking to class

You say a joke that makes her laugh

You see her smile and you feel a rush of heat

It goes through your whole body

And now you look at her but she’s not the same

With the only thought in your head is when did she become so cute 

Time passes these feelings grow

To become something that you can’t control

When your with her you're so self conscious

Thoughts go through your head

Does my hair look good and how does this outfit look 

Cause as you look at her all you can think

Is do you like me too

So one day you decide to tell her how you feel 

But when your with her the words I like you won’t come out

Your throat feels tight and your body feels hot

So then all you can do is talk to her about something else

At home it frustrates you that you can not say how you feel

So you decide to try again

But time and time again you can’t get those 3 words out

It tortures you because you want her to know

Over time you see her date other people

But you want what’s best for her so you don’t say a thing

You watch romance on t.v and read it in books

And wonder why it can’t be as easy

Your hurting your soul with these feelings

You don’t want her to see your pain

So you decide to only cry at home

You hate the pity you feel right now

And tell yourself as long as she’s happy you are too

But inside you know you want to be the one

To make her smile and laugh

And to hold her when she feels sad

To see what these guys do to her heart makes you mad

You and her are walking alone now

Talking to her about her recent breakup

You stop walking to look at her

She stops too and looks at you

You breath in and out and look in her eyes

She asks if your alright 

You get all your courage and ask will you go out with me

She looks down and looks a little shy 

She says but what if it doesn’t work and we break up

And at this you smile and say well at least then we can say we tried

The author's comments:

This is a poem I guess but don't really know I was just bored and decided just to start writing but I would like to thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this.

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