The Girl With The Smiling Eyes | Teen Ink

The Girl With The Smiling Eyes

March 14, 2021
By Anonymous

There's a girl with the preetiest smile when she laughs it sounds like heaven, but behind her kind eyes she has a secret to tell of all the pain and she saw and all the suffering she will never let you see. She sees her fake life in the shadows and feels her fake mothers hands holding her as she sleeps. Hears her voice when she is alone. She seems so perfect you never could have known the things she felt and the lies being told the things she did to herself just to see herself bleeding. But do not worry or feel bad becaause she closed the door so tightly and put her walls up so highly even her own family couldn't hear her silently screaming. She sits in the front of her classes and always finishes in first her eyes smile even when she isnt but if you look close enough her eyes are glazed over like newly cut glass and shimmer from the tears that started this spark. I know all this because I am her. I hid the bruises, burns, and cuts and smiled my way through the never ending cycle of pain, Showed kindness to who ever needed it, but I am broken scarred and unfixible and growing weary of the fake hello's but now you know my pain is unmissable and when I say I am okay, this is why  am not. I told many lies to cover the truth made up stories of the past but now I am stuck beneath the weight of the truth and every lie comes out like vomit spilling on to those closest to my heart. I swim to the truth soaring above the clouds with my kind heart seeing the world as a beautiful thing. So this is me at only 15 what will I be when im 23? we will have to wait to find out.

The author's comments:

When I was only a day old I was taken from the hospital by my biological mother who wasn't allowed to have me I was to be put into a foster home only a few hours old, she had me for a week before I was found and put in a facility but as a baby never had a constant mother figure or someone I saw every day and that is why I have R.A.D something they dont have medicine for something I would never have if people made the right choices I want to bring awareness to this terrible mental illness because a lot of people have never even heard of it.

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This article has 1 comment.

Lydiaq ELITE said...
on Sep. 25 2021 at 10:29 pm
Lydiaq ELITE, Somonauk, Illinois
179 articles 54 photos 1026 comments

Favorite Quote:
The universe must be a teenage girl. So much darkness, so many stars.<br /> --me

You got it right, maybe the only thing you can do to be free in life is tell the truth about yourself...and don't ever keep the pain secret. So long as it's secret, it has power over you, but when you tell the truth, you have the power.