Rapier Sword of Diorite(mono rhyme format) | Teen Ink

Rapier Sword of Diorite(mono rhyme format)

April 9, 2021
By QuintonSmith BRONZE, Toledo, Ohio
QuintonSmith BRONZE, Toledo, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Just because we are not ready for progress doesn't mean it won't happen. -Jennifer Doudna

The crisping in the leaves thou bright

A saber once but of a knight

For moving it into the light

The pinewood handle carved with mite

Something maybe just not quite

How it should give me such a fright

It is although sharp in spite

Of being old-last many a night

Through a time it has great smite

Feeling if it a birthright

I took it up, it shined a light

Felt just with as much a right

To me, for found the blade, invite

Me to pick it up it might

Have comfort at my small campsite

Greeting me as it glowed so white

Never shall I lose a fight

Quickly, temper, shall excite

All men, even more my height

Much o’ greatly of a sight

Blunder in my appetite

For victory, all my delight

But then I woke, for overnight

A wispy dream, so impolite

To shatter me, such a blight

The rapier sword of diorite

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece for fun, to imitate the creepy, old-fasioned style of the Raven. I decided that, for extra intrigue, I would write it in a AAAA pattern, or in monorhyme form, used commonly in latin european texts.

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