A Villain's Villanelle | Teen Ink

A Villain's Villanelle

May 24, 2021
By LSharkey12 BRONZE, Furlong, Pennsylvania
LSharkey12 BRONZE, Furlong, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When Napoleon don’t know what to do

He don’t go to Russian Siberia

He packs his bags and goes to Waterloo


And with Belgian waffles his waist size grew

And the ground would shake when he came near ya

When Napoleon don’t know what to do


And he’ll rave and rant until it is true

And when he takes a bullet and say “gahhh”

He packs his bags and goes to Waterloo


Meal manners are something he never knew

And his wife mocks him ‘cause they’re a bad pa

When Napoleon don’t know what to do


When he snores and his wife says “we are through”

I can hardly put up with hearing ya

He packs his bags and goes to Waterloo


When they roll in s*** and still smell like poo

And the pigs in the pen shout out hurrah

When Napoleon don’t know what to do

He packs his bags and goes to Waterloo

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