Dystopian Hollow | Teen Ink

Dystopian Hollow

August 26, 2021
By JayceDNavarro BRONZE, Mesa, Arizona
JayceDNavarro BRONZE, Mesa, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

So you fancy I?

How amazing and dreary.


the places where demons and shadows hide,

Or maybe beneath me


The land where the houses creak

and where they have stood for years


The place where everyone is bleak

Is it Sainity, that they fear?


Broken down our society has been, no rules or expectations

Morals at an all time low

induced by our hellish temptations


Lawless law are the rules that we now follow

And welcome my friends, to dystopian hollow

The author's comments:

Hi, my name is Jayce and I am 16 years old. I write for fun and it's something I really enjoy. This piece is about a dystopian world. 

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