Ode to a Scarab Beetle | Teen Ink

Ode to a Scarab Beetle MAG

December 3, 2021
By cphillips BRONZE, Middleville, Michigan
cphillips BRONZE, Middleville, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Believe you can, and you're halfway there." -Theodore Roosevelt

Rounded and smooth,
glazed a brilliant blue
Turquoise dyed clay legs skew out
of the base
Nestled in a gauzy white satin case
Lucky, you say, ‘least that’s what
they told you
One of a kind, you say, it’s true
You travelled to an unusual place
Called Egypt, filled with wonders and grace
You like it? you ask. I say that I do
I cup the charmed beetle in my hands
A grin splits my face, ever widening
Lucky, I whisper, my grip tightening
A beautiful piece from faraway lands
Really, you see, it’s almost frightening
The luck of the beetle always withstands.

The author's comments:

My grandma is a tour guide, so she travels pretty much everywhere, and when she went to Egypt she brought back this beautiful clay scarab beetle that was supposed to bring good luck. I carry it with me wherever I go, and it reminds me of her. 

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