Seagulls With Shoes | Teen Ink

Seagulls With Shoes

April 30, 2022
By LaAnnie08 GOLD, Dedham, Maine
LaAnnie08 GOLD, Dedham, Maine
10 articles 4 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain!” -Dolly Parton

I visit the beach every day. It helped me keep the melancholy thoughts away.

It’s my little retreat.

Somewhere to rest my feet.

From the woes of everyday life and people who argue with strife.

One day I sat on a very cracked and creaky bench.

Until I smelt a whiff, it had quite a ferocious stench.

With nothing else on my mind I wanted to see just for interest

So I waddled over to the monstrous stench.

There were six seagulls huddled around sharing bits of soggy bread generously.

I guess that was the end of my curiosity.

However I squinted harder again

I saw that instead of normal seagulls,these seagulls were wearing boots instead.

They walked like how your normal human would.

With big thumps and the worst back posture that you could.

They gobbled down the bread like a wave taking the sand.

Then they slowly flew away with boots still in hand.

Well rather actually it’s feet.

I’d never seen a seagull with something on its feet.

How peculiar for a bird, anyone sane would think it’s absurd!

I wanted to see these human-like birds as they were amusing.

However they did not fly by again, however I did not end my pursuit.

I was determined to see them again whether this time their boots were on their head.

As I was always bored, with nothing to do but look at the ocean’s bed.

So there along the beach I sat.

Waiting for them to come awkwardly hopping back.

But I sat and I waited.

The days went by night after night I got more frustrated.

Over time I grew old.

I even began to grow mold.

However the birds never came.

If they did it wouldn’t be the same.

As I had lost my grit and energy to live.

So I layed down in the sand, I wished I could have been relieved.

All that time wasted, all that time gone.

Waiting for something so long.

All for it to possibly be a hoax.

I guess the moral is don’t waste your life folks.

The author's comments:

A funny little poem about seagulls..and shoes


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