Woman rights | Teen Ink

Woman rights

May 21, 2022
By Anonymous

Wear something nice,

All the boys will like you then,

But it all comes with a price ,

"Just count to ten!" they told me,

"It'll be fine ,just cover up more",


"Just show them what they want to see,",

It's practically a law ,

That all woman go by,

I swear it's no lie,

Double expectations,

And so many hesitations,

To what to wear 

To how to look,


It's the happiness that was took ,

Whilst they stand and stare ,

"You need to lose weight,"

"You look like a cow",

I'm counting to eight,


"Are you really going to wear that?"


Stop telling us what to do!

Get a life ,we don't need you,

Treat us right,

Or begin your plight,

We'd be better off alone,

Your chance is blown ,


You want to silence us,

You want us to be thinner,

"Stop making such a fuss,",

"Just eat less for dinner!",

Accept us how we are or leave,

We just need acceptance,

Could you just believe ,

And stop all this unachievable expectance

The author's comments:

It often frustrates me how guys act as though we'll never be good enough ( which is why I'm bisexual) so I wanted to wrote something to spread awareness of how boys are total pigs.Not all of them just some.

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