The Letter Never Delivered | Teen Ink

The Letter Never Delivered

July 23, 2022
By Mridini BRONZE, Singapore, Other
Mridini BRONZE, Singapore, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Across the seven seas, through the waters

with a powerful and robust breeze

amidst the waves and a mighty storm

travelled the letter I yearned to send


An autumn evening late with orange-hued leaves cascading,

When the aura cools on the trout-ringed waters

whistling and lurching the ochre trees, 

along the woods crossed the letter I longed to send


Outside the gates of the magnificent and exquisite castles

around peasant wagons steering clear of roaring dragons,

through the towers that radiate power

winged the letter I desired to send


Finally, beyond the lonely clouds floating leisurely across the mountains woven by streams, 

with green peaks lifting their heads through the clear mists,

whistled the letter I hoped to send.


She clutched her fingers tightly,

awaiting with heavy anticipation


Every day she sauntered outside

with her eyes glistening like snow beneath the sunlight.

She held her breath as tears streamed like fountains down her eyes.


With sheer hope and desire, she

listened to the chimes of life,

expecting for a letter to arrive


To My Dearest,

I've longed to see you. It has been years since our last encounter. 

I'd swim across the seven seas, rumble through the deep forests,

soar over the mountains and stride around the vintage castles to meet you.


I wish I'd written the letter like I'd written as I dreamt,

Across these remarkable landmarks travelled the letter I never sent

The Letter Never Delivered


- Mridini S.

The author's comments:

Being a very creative and imaginative person, I chose to write a slam poem called "The Letter Never Delivered," which expresses the sincere feelings of a writer who would travel across the world to send a letter. Although, this letter was regrettably never sent, solely because the writer never had any infatuation with the recipient. This satirical but moving poetry captures the perspectives of both the sender and the recipient, beguiling the readers' attention and implying a solid bond with the speaker of the poem

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