Procrastination | Teen Ink


November 7, 2022
By Anonymous

The date grew closer and closer

I kept putting it off for just one more day

It wouldn’t hurt, right?


Soon it was the day before the test

A mad rush looking through the notes

A mad rush of solving problems

A mad rush of memorizing formulas 

All in the hopes of getting an A

The test started

Pencils scratching against paper

Echoing in the deafening silence 

The bell rang signaling the end of the period

As I grabbed my bag and anxiously awaited my scores

The day to get our tests came,

Mine seemed to be at the end of the pile

I saw all my friends getting 90’s and 95’s

Finally I get my test

As my face morphed into one of shock

A 73%, a C

The author's comments:

This story is about a time when I had a test coming up. I procrastinated studying for it until the day before the test. Yet for some reason I still expected to get a good score.

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