Soliloquy of an anatomy doll | Teen Ink

Soliloquy of an anatomy doll

February 20, 2023
By EmmaTurner BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
EmmaTurner BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Here I sit in a cold dark room,

The light from a candle hits a silver spoon,

My ribs are gone and liver exposed,

How I wish my body was closed,

I have no legs nor arms nor toes,

No lips to speak poetry or prose,

I have my stomach and kidney and lungs,

And a perfect view to a jar of tongues,

Not one of them is mine, and I don’t know where it is,

I just know I’m here and stuck like this.

No one listens they just stop and stare,

At my skull exposed to the open air,

Half a brain inside or what they expect,

No thoughts can come from what is left,

My vertebral column is scraped wide open

Silly me sat here hoping,

I’d be someone or even be seen

As anything other than a drama queen,

As if I’d have nerve or even the gall,

When I’m just an anatomy doll.

As I sit here people prod and poke,

I do nothing because it's ‘just a joke’,

I hear the little comments they think I won’t figure out,

It takes all my willpower not to shout,

My throat is open leaving me silent,

And I can’t help but feel violent,

I want to thrash I want to scream,

But to everyone else, how would that seem,

Just another crazy woman, over the top,

Alas I’m an anatomy doll, I can’t make them stop.

The author's comments:

This poem is mostly about how it feels to be a woman in STEM, often overlooked and talked over which can be extremely frustrating. The whole situation is a double bind because if you get upset or angry you're given a label, either too emotional or just crazy.

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