The Highway Of Life | Teen Ink

The Highway Of Life

March 10, 2023
By Isaias_Sanchez BRONZE, Taylors, South Carolina
Isaias_Sanchez BRONZE, Taylors, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One in deep thought starts to think,

Of the cycles we learn about other animals,

But where's our link?

And thinking you start to realize, 

That this knowledge comes with a surprise.

That Life is a highway, in all of its sense,

The choices we take or leave, viewed from a different lens.

Starting the trip through the highway,

There are many choices that they decide to lay.

You could go forward, or backward, or even take an exit.

But going forward is the only option,

Cause going backward means giving up.

Going forward is the only option, cause taking an exit,

is same as giving up on life and you just left it.

There are times when you need a break, 

stopping by a diner, or a public lake.

But these are to be interpreted as the breaks taken in life,

When the hard work has paid off, you lay off the long drive.

But before these breaks, come the needs,

like snacks, or sleep, or gasoline.

Snacks represent the little boosts,

Like the moments when you close your eyes,

And then, you slept an hour more, you realize.

That means another hour more late,

You took the bait, but it helped, the baked salmon, cause now you're awake.

You need gasoline for the car,

 or else it won’t start, Won’t go, 

No pedal to the metal cause there’s no gasoline to flow.

Finally, the last step, 

is the gasoline, 

the will, 

the spirit,

The pride, 

The joy, 

The need,

To keep going.

Don’t let it stop flowing, 

keep going.

The author's comments:

Hello, to anyone who is reading this. This was something very new to me, but I always like to try new things. I was told that my poem was noteworthy, so thank you, to all the special people that pushed me to my limits and beyond. I hope you enjoy the poem, and thank you.

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