Daddy Never Really Cared | Teen Ink

Daddy Never Really Cared

April 5, 2023
By miffaaenterline BRONZE, Millmont, Pennsylvania
miffaaenterline BRONZE, Millmont, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Daddy Never Really Cared

Daddy never really cared,

the drugs had his heart more than us;

Nobody’s, not even my, feelings were spared. 

Abuse and trauma are the only memories shared,

Accusations and screaming matches were never discussed;

Daddy never really cared.

Missing eyelashes and tears were both paired,

“You wanted it, you’re gonna be just like your mother.” 

Nobody’s, not even my, feelings were spared. 

Constantly feeling scared,

His true self, once kept secret, now uncovered;

Daddy never really cared

Both tall, skinny, and black-haired,

Alike, our tempers a live wire;

Nobody’s, not even my, feelings were spared. 

Our broken hearts could never be repaired,

Narcissist, manipulator, liar

Daddy never really cared,

Nobody’s, not even my, feelings were spared. 

The author's comments:

This poem is based on my relationship with my biological father. I wrote this to bring awareness to the fact that just because someone is blood doesn't mean they are family. I hope that if you relate to this, things get better for you and you are worth it.

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