My Sad-tistics Class | Teen Ink

My Sad-tistics Class

April 28, 2023
By grace_pkk BRONZE, Cerritos, California
grace_pkk BRONZE, Cerritos, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Beginning of my senior year,

The times are looking bright and light

I enter my advanced statistics class, not expecting much.

My teacher breaks down the class' semesters,

My cheerfulness degrades to a sorrowful groan.

Z-scores, confidence intervals, parameters? What are those?

Test after test, I go further into my shame.

Test after test, my GPA follows my pride.

Test after test, I’m ready to die.

Why is this class so hard to comprehend?

Why is my knowledge not enough?

I’m trying my best but to no avail.

Until, one day, I stumble upon my saving grace. 

I found explained answers to our textbook assignments, 

So I ask more questions in class and participate more

Now, my grades are much better and I understand the material

Hopefully I pass my final exam,

so I won't ever have take sad-tistics again.

The author's comments:

As a senior, I had a tough case of "senioritis". It's an epidemic that makes high school seniors, and occasionally juniors, go into vacation mode before the school year ends (this is a joke as it's not a real disease or anything). In the beginning of the year, I started showing the terrible symptoms and my advanced statistics didn't really help. But with this poem, I was able to make light humor out of a my not-so-optimal math course. It gave me a chance to show how I overcame the tough situation, with a slight twist.

With this poem, I hope to create some smiles but also let others know that anyone can overcome the many challenges that come with senior year, including senioritis. 

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