sadness | Teen Ink


June 24, 2023
By write_4ever BRONZE, Plano, Texas
write_4ever BRONZE, Plano, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"your life is as good as you make it."

sorrow is an emotion many people think unexplainable, an emotion which can only be truly fathomed once it is experienced. sorrow is humanity's best mistake. 

after being consumed by sorrow, we can finally appreciate the little things.

death is often the cause of sorrow. sorrow is often the cause of death, if not literally, then figuratively. sorrow eats a person from the inside out.

night is when sorrow often awakens. night is when sorrow goes foraging for her victims, and night is when we are most susceptible to sorrow. 

even the strongest people fall victim to sorrow. sorrow has fought many battles, but she always comes out on top. sorrow is an enemy you don't wish to have.

still, sorrow has noticed that there are people who fight. these people scare sorrow the most.

sorrow is an emotion many people think unexplainable. but i hope it has been explained.

The author's comments:

i lost somebody dear to me, and i dedicate this piece to them.

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