A soliloquy about love | Teen Ink

A soliloquy about love

October 30, 2023
By Anonymous


‘tis a blessing or a curse?

She say ‘tis a curse,

He say ‘tis wonderful to love.

Though what is the purpose of love?

‘tis needed for a job? No,

Then what ‘tis for?

‘tis needed for a child? No,

Then what ‘tis for?

‘tis needed for companionship? No,

Then what ‘tis for?

‘tis needed to make friends? No,

Then why is love so famous?

it isn’t because it is fun,

nor because it is easy,

in fact, it is really hard at some points,

might it be that it is popular?

in fact it is quite popular to be ostracized if you aren’t in love,

so much that it is almost debilitating for those who cannot love at all,

or those who “love the wrong gender”

or those who love the wrong species,

or those who love all species and genders!!!

this amazing word that we have deemed “an emotion”,

and given an entire day for people to think about it,

is just unhealthy if abused.

The author's comments:

this poem is inspired by Rome and Juliet the Shakespearean play

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on Nov. 9 2023 at 11:59 am
aparklover0911, Atlanta, Georgia
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
So good!!!