Elegy for George Floyd | Teen Ink

Elegy for George Floyd

January 5, 2024
By bouellette BRONZE, Hudson, Massachusetts
bouellette BRONZE, Hudson, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

May, 25, 2020, 

the day our hearts sank.

Tragedy flooded news 

about the man, father, grandfather 

with a counterfeit $20 bill.

Pushed, shoved, and kneed down,

even the concrete tried as hard as it could 

to bear the weight of  Floyd’s lifeless body.

Tick, tick, tick 

I never knew eight minutes could feel so long,

extending further than an elastic band;





“I can't breathe” the streets cried 

just like George did that very week.

In a rally of thousands, all we wanted 

was to be heard. In a time of such activism, 

we still plead for justice.

The author's comments:

This piece reminds us of the tragic event of George Floyd's death; the event that sparked hundreds upon thousands of protests nationwide. It should be noted that though the topic of police brutality isn't prominent in media currently, we should never fail to remember the damage it has caused to the innocent lives affected. 

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