Trust | Teen Ink


February 6, 2024
By Formular BRONZE, Aba, Other
Formular BRONZE, Aba, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments



The church is the place God's presence lie.

Seated in splendor, his glory on high.

The church is the fountain of believers.

Our woes, the spirit comes to deliver.

I asked myself one day

How essential is this, pray?

The answer came, flying swiftly.

A voice from the heavens, echoing smoothly.

"That mere structure of clay and wood"

"Contains everything your soul deems good".


The church is flesh and blood.

A human being to purge.

The church bleeds spirit and life.

To Christ, a formidable wife.

I asked myself one day.

Of what use is this, pray?

Then I heard the cry of an infant.

A mother holding her breath in mid pant.

That mere structure of muscles and bones.

Is God's gift to the world untold.


The church is a solid rock

A stately castle, a moulded block.

The church is a humble soldier.

A baller dancer, the lion's brother.

I tell myself everyday.

There's a reason to feel gay.

The solution waves each time I open my bible.

Same way it smiles at you from this title.

God's gift are numerous.

The church, 'tis very obvious.


Ajike Chioma Peace 💯

The author's comments:

"The Church  of God shall move on and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."

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