Ode to the Toad | Teen Ink

Ode to the Toad

February 12, 2024
By Anonymous

Because you are an amphibian.

Since you are not the beloved frog.

You live in the swamps,

So you are disgraced.

The scent of your body,

Like a sick old person ready to die. Your skin, 

It feels as if you are an old grandpa’s foot

Only you, greenish-yellowish wart-covered

toad can be so ugly, that no one loves you. 

Oh toad, you are 

like an illness that keeps on spreading

no matter what you do. 

Your slimy body 

shines like the sun when you are in the open. 

My heart swells with disgust when I see you

 although you are beautiful and well-respected

 for living for so long oh


The author's comments:

I made this poem to show about how a toad is perceived by the public compared to the toad.

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