How to Find Lost Items | Teen Ink

How to Find Lost Items

February 13, 2024
By Anonymous

Being good at finding lost belongings is a beneficial skill to have. When William T. Phippen was eight years old he realized he was exceptionally good at finding lost items. Phippen states, "It is a constant game of hide and seek and you are always the seeker.” According to Phippen, the best tip to becoming good at this skill is “Don’t think just look.” 

When Phippen was eight, Will's mother lost her earring and was sad she lost this expensive earring. Will and his family searched for hours around the house searching for the missing earring. After his whole family gave up on the earring, Phippen was determined to find it. He tore apart the whole house searching for the earring later finding it in his mother's pillowcase. After this moment he started to utilize his skill and always helped out to find lost items. He will give up looking for a lost item. When Phippen grows up he plans to put this skill to good use and become an archeologist. Will wants to travel the globe to find items lost for hundreds of years.

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