Volleyball | Teen Ink


February 14, 2024
By alysthebest BRONZE, Oregon City, Oregon
alysthebest BRONZE, Oregon City, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My team in their bright red jerseys.

All around us were teams in their uniforms. 

The sound of line judges flags slashing through the air.
The sound of shoes squeaking

And the sound of cheering.

The sound of coaches on the sideline

The sound in the gym goes together like a melody.


The feel of the court is as slippery as a slip and slide.

All around I see teams playing.

I see the faces of disappointed people that just lost their last game

But also the faces of the team who just won.

I hear people celebrating because their game went to the third set.

I hear people crying because they haven't won a single set

I hear people chanting for their team.

I hear the net when it’s been hit by a ball, it's a strong swish.

I hear people cheering as my team just won.

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