Ode to a Kitten | Teen Ink

Ode to a Kitten

February 14, 2024
By ILOVEHORROR31 BRONZE, Oregon City, Oregon
ILOVEHORROR31 BRONZE, Oregon City, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Because you are not rough and unpolished. 

Because you are not unacceptable.

Noble and flawless

You are pleasantly perfect.

The scent of your soft clean fur warms my hands.

Only you Chester, can always be by me.

Oh kitten, you are like October with your glowing orange eyes.

Your fluffy soft black and white fur shines like a new car.

My heart is electrified. 

Chester chose to come home with me and I could never not accept that cat.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because I really love cats and I have two. It is about my kitten Chester and he is so nice. It was a little hard coming up with the type of poem, title, and what it is about.

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