Daughter | Teen Ink


February 21, 2024
By Anonymous

My whole life, I’ve been just like you. 

Everyone says we even look the same,

But now that I’m older, I wish I knew

How to get that part of me to change

I am your daughter, your mirror, your pride

I am you miracle, your accident, your “I tried.”

I am so sad, so lonely, so broken inside

Because I am your daughter, your mirror and your pride.

I am your daughter, your reflection, your pain,

I have no self, to you we are the same.

I am your failure, your pride, your mess,

You are my captor, my life, my death.

You are so kind, yet hateful and vile

You’ll say you love somebody,  then tell them you hate them with a smile.

You are so broken, so ruined, a record damaged and so hostile

Even worse, you let it all build and pile

I am your daughter, my worst fear, my own enemy

Cursed to be you, despite my identity

Forced to follow the path, because you’re my destiny

No matter what I do, I cannot let this be me.


I am your daughter, you are told to kill me because it brings you joy

And I may always be your daughter, 

But- God, sometimes I wish I were born a boy.

The author's comments:

My mother has always been... difficult. To say the least... she has never understood me well, and just wants me to be just like her- even when I am not. 

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