Thank you Anxiety | Teen Ink

Thank you Anxiety

February 28, 2024
By Gage-Myers SILVER, Lambertville, Michigan
Gage-Myers SILVER, Lambertville, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Thank you Anxiety for the years that you´ve taken from my life.

You´ve been there like a shadow afraid to come into the light, like a thief in the night you sit and wait for the right moment to strike.

You are like a cold breeze that blows and howls randomly just from a mere sight. Years and years you´ve been a burden and I've wanted you to just vanish from the thought of fright.

Anxiety oh anxiety the feeling of agony and anguish mustered up out of nowhere just because of a sound,feeling, or sight.   Though you´ve been a pain to deal with throughout my life, I´m finally starting to control you and manipulate you when I get the urge to fight.

I´ve learned to shield you during the day but I´ll never be able to make you vanish especially at the end of the night. Though I will say you´ve gotten better over the years, it still won't make up for all of the tears. Go away! I say, but you seem to always stay..

I´ve talked with you and fought with you, but one thing that I learned was I'm at a loss with you. So you´ĺl stay today, for tomorrow awaits, say goodbye to yesterday. We live for moments when we laugh, looking through the past, but it´ll never last. You live for pain and misery, living inside of me, but they´ll never see.

I say lets flip the script, and live to deal with it, we have two fists lets hit. With great success, I ́ll find a way to deal with stress, and then I ́ll pass the test, say goodbye to misery.

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