icarus | Teen Ink


March 18, 2024
By saturnuniverse BRONZE, Huntington, Texas
saturnuniverse BRONZE, Huntington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I am a tragedy wearing a comedy mask." -me :p

wax wings

sun stings

falling fast

disregard the past

rose gold feathers

torn up tethers

sunshines of gold

warnings were told

rose stained skin

the free-fall begin

a flurry of burgundy and beige

a bird now free from its cage

the clavicle cracks on impact

yet the wings were still intact

soaring and flying

failing and falling

that's what icarus did

fatality when he was only just a kid

The author's comments:

This was one of my first poems i wrote whenever I was 14 years old. I am now 16, and i never really knew what this poem was supposed to be about until recently. Before it was just something my heart wrote that my brain didn't understand. Now I realize it's something about the lost of childhood and how being pressured to do good in life is stressful on a young soul.  Thinking of writing another poem titled "The death of childhood" or something along those lines. Just a kind of sequel of Icarus. 

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