To my Mother and Father | Teen Ink

To my Mother and Father

March 20, 2024
By allie_gonzalez BRONZE, Brownwood, Texas
allie_gonzalez BRONZE, Brownwood, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Kind. when my mother asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I never thought I'd answer this. Normally I'd answer "An Astronaut!" or "A Ballerina!" but this time she asked was different. "What do you wanna be when your grown baby?" my mother asked. "Mom.." I respond "I want to be kind." that's the breaking point. Shed normally respond "Oh baby girl! you are kind!" but she knows I'm not anymore. I've lost my goodie two shoes side and I hate myself. "What have I done wrong.. we didn't raise you this way!" mom would say. She doesn't know, I cry out of hatred,anger, and fear. My relationship is filled with error and I cry cuz I hate myself. I hate new me. I'm angry at myself. I fear telling them both. so to my Mother and my Father,Im scared, I want to tell you but how can I when your reaction scares me. Sincerely, youre middle daughter.

The author's comments:

This goes through how some teens feel about telling their parents stuff, In a toxic relationship or not we still have issues they overlook.

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