Two Kissing Trees | Teen Ink

Two Kissing Trees

March 20, 2024
By Anonymous

They are the only ones who stand out in the crowd of green pine. They are the only ones who sway in the wind like no other. Two kissing trees standing tall and hugging the road. Two who do not get the love they deserve. Two white pines swaying in the wind. From our car, we can see them, but never know when they'll fall. 

Their meaning is love. They send emotions through our bodies. They have stopped growing but stand tall as they sway in the brisk breeze. This is how they are remembered. 

Let them stand tall, for another long few years, 150 and counting while they remain surrounded by the thick wooded lake.  Cry, cry, cry I do when we come back. They disappeared. 

When I am too sad and too weak to keep crying, when I am flooded with memories of the past. When there is only two stumps left on the side of the road. Two who lived on through years to come. Two who do not know how much they meant. Two whose meaning will live on forever and ever. 

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