Whirl of Girlhood | Teen Ink

Whirl of Girlhood

March 22, 2024
By Anonymous

Being a teenage girl can be quite a whirl,

Navigating through life as we twirl

With dreams in our minds and fire in our souls,

We conquer challenges and aim for our goals

We smile, we cry, we learn, and we grow

Finding who we are, though it is slow

We embrace our passions, express our art

And make our voices heard from the start


We face insecurities, but find our worth

Surrounded by people who lift us up from earth

We dance in the rain, and bake in the sun

Making memories that won't ever be undone

So here's to us girls, strong and bright

Shining our light through the darkest of night

Navigating through the whirls and twirls

Of girlhood

The author's comments:

This is a poem that relates to how growing up as a teenage girl is during this era of the world. I say how there are going to be some downs but with that there will also be ups creating memories that will last us all a lifetime. 

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