A Litany for Endangered Animals | Teen Ink

A Litany for Endangered Animals

March 23, 2024
By giuliaprestia BRONZE, East Hanover, New Jersey
giuliaprestia BRONZE, East Hanover, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dwindling second by second

These beautiful creatures will soon meet an awful fate

Unless we learn to care for them,

But by then it might be too late.


Save our polar bears 

Who should be thriving on the ice

Instead, the melting ice caps leave them gambling for a piece

like rolling a dice


Save our elephants, majestic and grand

Greed and poaching take their toll, 

Hunters that kill them have no soul.

Using their beauty for cash,

Discarding what’s left for trash. 


Save our gentle turtles, who are no harm

With shells like shields and eyes that charm. 

They should be gliding across the sea,

Instead, they are entangled in plastic and debris. 


Save our pandas,

Their black and white coats are a symbol of peace,

With their sweet faces and beauty that won’t cease.

In bamboo forests, they should play and roam

But deforestation leaves them without a home.


Protect our endangered animals before it is too late!, 

Some don’t have much time left,

There’s no time to wait. 

The author's comments:

I love animals and it’s so heartbreaking to see so many beautiful species die out because of us. This is a wake up call and a petition do better.

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