Whispers within | Teen Ink

Whispers within

July 28, 2024
By Shreee BRONZE, Durg, Other
Shreee BRONZE, Durg, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If only I had talked to myself some more,

Understood my thoughts at their core.

If only I had embraced my own heart,

Not penned every feeling, every part.


If only I had woven dreams in quiet nights,

Listened softly to memories, dimmed the lights.

If only I had found answers deep within,

Kept stories secret, hidden beneath my skin.


If only I had felt emotions' silent flow,

Untangled relationships, let them grow.

If only I had spoken in the hush of night,

Whispered truths, hidden from sight.

The author's comments:

This poem ws written by me when I was meditating on my inner thoughts and feelings, regretting for some reason. 

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